Hi I have an MDX-guru question.
(too old to reply)
Knut Ivar
2007-04-11 08:22:00 UTC
I would like to do add a filter on my MDX result... We would only like to
see rows in the result table that have values in the measure
[Measures].[DiseaseCount]. If the [Measures].[DiseaseCount] contain (null) I
would like to remove the row from the result set.

SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[DiseasePctLast12Months],
[Measures].[DiseasePctRegion], [Measures].[DiseasePctLast12MonthsCompany],
[Measures].[DiseasePctLast12MonthsGroup], [Measures].[DiseasePctGroup],
[Measures].[DiseaseCount], [Measures].[DiseasePct],
[Measures].[DiseasePctCompany] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY {
([Harvest].[HarvestID].[HarvestID].ALLMEMBERS *
[Disease].[DiseaseName].[DiseaseName].ALLMEMBERS ) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES
[Dates].[YearMonthDate].[PeriodMonth].&[2006m06] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT
( { [Harvest].[HarvestID].&[792576] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM [GildeCube])) WHERE (
[Dates].[YearMonthDate].[PeriodMonth].&[2006m06] )

aprox haf of the rows in this result have (null) in the

Does any one have any ide for where to add an filtere to remove the? (If it
was in SQL as I have much experience with, it would be very easy - but in MDX
I am ony an newbe.

in sql the filter would look like this... where isnull(DiseaseCount,0)
Thanks For anysuggestion.

Kind Regards
Knut Ivar
Peter Yang [MSFT]
2007-04-12 03:02:07 UTC
Hello Knut,

I understand that you'd like to filter NULL from the MDX result. If I'm
off-base, please let me know.

You may want to consider use NonEmptyCrossjoin and I have included the
following article for your reference


You may want to use
[Disease].[DiseaseName].[DiseaseName].members) to test the sitaution.

If you have any update or comments, please feel free to let's know. Thank

Best Regards,

Peter Yang
MCSE2000/2003, MCSA, MCDBA
Microsoft Online Community Support
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Knut Ivar
2007-04-12 09:38:01 UTC
Hi Peter!
Thank you for the link - there was some usefully information there.
But I tryes apply your code-suggestion to my big MDX-query above - but
Haven't found out where to add it. I only get cryptical-MDX error's when I
tryes... (a am only an newbe to MDX).

Do you have any suggestion where to add the code you posted in to my MDX?

Knut Ivar
Post by Peter Yang [MSFT]
Hello Knut,
I understand that you'd like to filter NULL from the MDX result. If I'm
off-base, please let me know.
You may want to consider use NonEmptyCrossjoin and I have included the
following article for your reference
You may want to use
[Disease].[DiseaseName].[DiseaseName].members) to test the sitaution.
If you have any update or comments, please feel free to let's know. Thank
Best Regards,
Peter Yang
MCSE2000/2003, MCSA, MCDBA
Microsoft Online Community Support
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where an initial response from the community or a Microsoft Support
Engineer within 1 business day is acceptable. Please note that each follow
up response may take approximately 2 business days as the support
professional working with you may need further investigation to reach the
most efficient resolution. The offering is not appropriate for situations
that require urgent, real-time or phone-based interactions or complex
project analysis and dump analysis issues. Issues of this nature are best
handled working with a dedicated Microsoft Support Engineer by contacting
Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS) at
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Peter Yang [MSFT]
2007-04-13 08:40:35 UTC
Hello Knut,

I think you may want to try the following MDX to see if it works:

SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[DiseasePctLast12Months],
[Measures].[DiseasePctRegion], [Measures].[DiseasePctLast12MonthsCompany],
[Measures].[DiseasePctLast12MonthsGroup], [Measures].[DiseasePctGroup],
[Measures].[DiseaseCount], [Measures].[DiseasePct],
[Measures].[DiseasePctCompany] } ON COLUMNS, {NON EMPTY
[Disease].[DiseaseName].[DiseaseName].members)} DIMENSION PROPERTIES
[Dates].[YearMonthDate].[PeriodMonth].&[2006m06] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM (
( { [Harvest].[HarvestID].&[792576] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM [GildeCube])) WHERE
[Dates].[YearMonthDate].[PeriodMonth].&[2006m06] )

If not, please first try:

SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[DiseasePctLast12Months],
[Measures].[DiseasePctRegion], [Measures].[DiseasePctLast12MonthsCompany],
[Measures].[DiseasePctLast12MonthsGroup], [Measures].[DiseasePctGroup],
[Measures].[DiseaseCount], [Measures].[DiseasePct],
[Measures].[DiseasePctCompany] } ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY NonEmptyCrossJoin([Harvest].[HarvestID].[HarvestID].members,
[Disease].[DiseaseName].[DiseaseName].members) ON ROWS FROM [GildeCube]

If you have any update, please feel free to let me know. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Peter Yang
MCSE2000/2003, MCSA, MCDBA
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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