Hi CaptainSlock,
Welcome to MSDN newsgroup.
Regarding on the accessing Active Directory from SQLServer question, do you
means perform AD query in sqlserver's SQL code or store procedure or any
certain services? Generally the SQLServer 2000 has limited programming
interface support, we can not perform ADSI programming like we do in other
programming languages (vb, .net .....).
In SQLServer 2005(Yukon) we can perform ADSI programming easlily through
the managed .NET extension. Here is some info about AD sqlserver
Using Active Directory with Analysis Services
SQL Server 2000 Active Directory Integration
Active Directory Integration
Also, if you have any further SQLserver specific question, I'll recommend
you try posting in the
microsoft.public.sqlserver newsgroup.
Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support
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| Thread-Topic: Accessing Active Directory via SQL Server
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| Subject: Accessing Active Directory via SQL Server
| Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2005 14:25:02 -0800
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| How do I access Active Directory via SQL Server?